You can have fantastic products, but if you don’t show how your products will benefit your customers, how will you convert leads into sales? Your products can be introduced to your customers more effectively with lifestyle photography. Best of all, it doesn't need to cost a fortune. Learn more about lifestyle product photography and how […]

Retailers already know how important product photography is for their business. It’s an investment that takes time, money, effort, and commitment. You don't want to waste your product photography investment. One way to avoid that is getting to know the most common mistakes many brands make with product shots, so you can avoid making them too. […]

Summary These days it's easier than ever to take great photos. However, there's a big difference between someone who takes photos for fun and a professional photographer. If you are considering following your dream and want to learn how to become a product photographer, this article is written especially for you. I’ve been a professional […]

Having amazing products is one thing. The ability to showcase how great those products are on a digital platform is another. It doesn’t really matter whether that’s on Amazon, your website, or social media—if your ecommerce photography is low-quality, you won’t effectively convey your products’ value to your audience. Below, we’ll talk all about product […]

The price for professional product photography has a huge range—no wonder so many business owners have a hard time budgeting for product shots. And it’s easy to put these on the bottom of your to-do list. After all, so many brands invest so much money into their logo, branding, and website design, they often forget […]

It’s easy to believe that your job is complete once you’ve selected the right photographer. And, although selecting selecting POW Photography was the best choice for your product photography, and even though we know we will rock this out for you, we want to share a few tips that will allow you to take our […]

Product photography is a niche within commercial photography that specializes in shooting products that are typically for sale.